
Can We Touch 'Em ?

More "visitors" have made their way into the K-1 classroom. We are becoming familiar with mealworms (larva stage of the darkling beetle) and find them fascinating! We've taken time to observe body parts, movement, color preferences, and even measured them. The students in this picture are having "Mealworm Races". On Monday morning we discovered that some of our mealworms moved into the pupa stage of their lifecycle. How cool is that?


The Ants Go Marching 2x2. Hoorah!! Hoorah!!

Yes, the ants are marching in Mrs. Frederick's room. The new arrivals are part of an insect unit which the k/1 students will be studying for the next couple weeks of school. Keep checking in to this blog ~ Mrs. Frederick has some more visitors coming for the k/1 classroom....hmmmm, wonder what they are???

First Day of School Photo

What a busy Monday morning! But, we still found time to gather to take the traditional first day of school photo. Great lookin' group!!


Riverboat Days Parade

Parents and students shared their gifts and talents by organizing a float for Riverboat Days, an annual celebration for the river town of Yankton. The Hawaiian theme was emphasized with the slogans Walking with Jesus and Surfing to a Brighter Future. While walking the parade route, students passed out leis and notebooks to kids.