
Chick Pictures


This TIRED chick finally stretches out at the end of this 1 minute video.

The kindergarteners have been waiting for their first chick to hatch and it finally came on Tuesday, April 24th at 6:00 PM!  This video is the chick pecking the "egg cap".


Awards Last Week

MVCA 6th graders participated in the State Science Olympiad on Saturday (31st) on the USD campus. Students placed 1st in Towers, 2nd in Crime Busters, 2nd in Mission Impossible, and 4th in Compute This. We are very proud of our students!

Last week the 3rd-6th graders received awards for their participation in the ACSI Math Olympics. MVCA came away with 3rd and 5th places in Math Reasoning and 1st, 2nd, 3rd (x2), and 4th (x2) in Math Computation. Again, we are proud of our students!