
Singing at Walnut Village

Clothing Closet Donation

MVCA's students, staff, and families recently conducted a clothing and toy drive for HSC's Clothing Closet. Shown in the photo is some current and future MVCA students with Leah Brandt, Clothing Closet director, and a few of the items donated.


Our Teacher's Assistant

The kindergarten class welcomed Miss Boehmer to their classroom earlier this fall. She volunteers an hour of her time on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and does a variety of duties assisting both the students and Mrs. Frederick. Thank you, Miss Boehmer!


Food for Relief

The kindergarteners spent the morning utilizing their "gluing & stamping" skills to help put labels on canned meat that will be distributed to hungry people around the world. The Mennonite Central Committee of Freeman, SD oversees the regional ministry. Log on to http://www.mcc.org/ for more information.


That's A Lot of Seeds!

Who would have guessed that the big pumpkin would have fewer seeds? Later we learned that the number of grooves will determine the seed count. The grooves are where the seeds are clustered on the inside; the more grooves there are the greater number of seeds!


Pastor Appreciation Chapel

We had a great chapel on Friday! Many parents attended along with many of the pastors of our MVCA families. The students shared scripture, statements of thanks, and a gift.



Skype Date with a Missionary

The kindergarteners have met their classroom missionary via Skype! For the first time ever, some students were able to talk with someone on the other side of the world! Miss Brandt is a missionary teacher in the Czech Republic and her class will be penpals with ours.


Ready For Pastor Appreciation Chapel ~ Oct. 14th

During reading buddies on Friday, the students worked together to make gifts for our pastors. Students mixed up, bagged, and decorated 50 bags of "Blessings Mix". A wonderful treat for some wonderful servants of God!

"Blessings Mix"

The Bugles are a symbol of the cornucopia, a horn of plenty.

The Pretzels represent arms folded in thanks and prayer.

The Candy Corn reminds us that during the first winter, the pilgrims were allowed only five kernels of corn per day because food was so scarce.

The Fruit is a reminder that Thanksgiving is the celebration of the harvest.

The Peanuts represent seeds, the potential of the bounteous harvest for the next season if they are planted and well tended.


A Vine Through Time

The kindergarten class started a unit study on pumpkins. Their first activitiy was to make a pumpkin book showing the different stages from seed to fruit.


September Chapel

Pastor Dani Jo Ninke spoke at our September Chapel on Friday. Her talk was entitled, "Bearing Good Fruit" ~ Galatians 5:22-23. Thank You Pastor Dani for speaking at our first chapel of the year.


Apple Snacks

The kindergarten class enjoyed making applesauce and apple leathers with their classroom volunteer, Grandma Brandt. The students learned to use an apple peeler/corer while making applesauce and a sieve with the apple leathers (homemade fruit roll-up). Check out the picture of the really, really, really long peel! It's still attached to the apple!


SD Highway Patrol at MVCA

Trooper Joel Peterson stopped by MVCA today to talk with the K-2nd graders about his job as a highway patrolman. Seat belt use was an important topic along with the "gadgets" found on his belt. Students also got the chance to look at his patrol car and try out the siren. Thank you Trooper Peterson for your visit!!

Learning About Firefighters

The K-2 students got a special visitor yesterday from Firefighter Terry Nickels from the Yankton Volunteer Fire Department. He talked to the kids about fire safety and to always remember that firefighters are here to help people. Thanks Terry for visiting MVCA!