
A Milk-y Day

The students and staff of MVCA took a fieldtrip on Wednesday to Burbach's Countryside Dairy (www.burbachscountrysidedairy.com) near Hartington, Nebraska. We learned ALL about the process of taking raw milk from cows and turning it into the finished bottled product. We also learned a very important fact ~ there are no chocolate or strawberry cows...just cardboard boxes filled with flavoring. After our trip to the dairy farm, we stopped at the Dairy Dock for some ice cream ~ another dairy treat! A huge THANK YOU to Burbachs and the Dairy Dock. We had a great day!!


Go Fly A Kite!

Yes, the fourth graders and their parents were told to "Go Fly a Kite" recently at MVCA. The task at hand was to build a kite and see how long it would remain in flight. Well...the real test turned out to be just getting them in the air!!! Eventhough catching the breeze was elusive, everyone had an enjoyable time of fun fellowship and many, many laughs!


Getting Ready for the Play

Thanks to many helpful hands this morning the flats and props are ready for the Easter/Spring play. MVCA will present "Your Special Gift" this Friday night at 7pm at the school.


T-Shirts & Tulips

Today the students wore their 2010 Race for Christ t-shirts. And, a student took a photo of the tulips blooming outside the school. Just two months ago this spot was covered with a few feet of snow! Now, we have colorful tulips. We all agree it is nice to see the flowers!!!
