
We Give Thanks

Today was MVCA's second annual Thanksgiving meal. The kids made and served a noon meal (ham, green bean casserole, baked potato, and pumpkin dessert) to the volunteers, donors, and families that make MVCA such a special place. The kids served 52 adults and 10 children. It was a full house! We are extremely blessed to have so many people who care about this school!!
Dr. Stan Haidle, founder of Mitchell Christian, was on hand to give the message during chapel which followed the meal. Thank you for your words of encouragement. (Click on each picture for a large image.)


More Photos of Christmas Decorations

(Click on each image to get a larger view.)
Sale is Saturday, November 14th from 8am to 3pm. Location is at the school which is 305 W. 25th St. (right behind Days Inn on north Broadway).


Christmas Decorations for Sale on Saturday

(Click on each picture for a larger image.)
Christmas Decorations for sale on Saturday, November 14th from 8am to 3pm. There will be no presales. Students of MVCA will be selling baked goods as well.
The sale will be located at the school (305 W. 25th St.) which is right behind Days Inn on Broadway.


Pastor David Gunderson Speaks at MVCA

Pastor David Gunderson from St. John's Lutheran Church here in Yankton was our guest speaker today. He talked about his position as a chaplain in the National Guard. He did a wonderful job of explaining what he does as a chaplain in the military and answered many questions. Thank you Pastor Dave for your time this morning and your service to our country!

Musical Practice Continues

Just thought we would share a photo from one of the scenes in our upcoming musical, Christmas Around the World.


Field Trip to Sioux City

Today we headed to Sioux City for our field trip. Our first stop was the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center (http://www.siouxcitylcic.com/). After lunch and some active play we went to the Sioux City Welcome Center (www.siouxcitymuseum.org/sgt_floyd.asp). Both had excellent guides who were very sensitive to the ages of the students and geared their presentations to their levels. We had a very enjoyable day and were blessed with great weather!