Yes, the third graders are back in session after the Christmas break. We are picking up our Bible studies in the book of Exodus. Yesterday our focus was on chapter 3 and verses 1-15. It is the well known story of Moses and the burning bush. After our reading, one student asked, "I wonder what God's voice sounds like?" I quickly countered, "When we die we will get to hear His voice and the voices of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the patriarchs we just finished studying). And, we will get to ask all those unanswered questions we pondered during our reading of Genesis." There was a pause and the student replied, "I can't wait to die!"
As Christians we know death on this Earth is just the beginning. We will have a new life with Him. It is exciting to think of being with Him and hearing His voice. And, we will get to ask the questions left on our tongues from studying His word. But first, we must do His work here on Earth using the gifts and talents He has bestowed us.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17