Just like the rain gauge, every morning the 3rd graders check the thermometer to read the "official" 8:45am temperature for MVCA and record it on their calendars. This morning they charted October's recordings to get a sense of the overall temperature trend for the month and compare it to September's. The students noted a close resemblance with a couple of high peaks and deep valleys signifying the temperature struggle indicative of the autumn season. And, they picked up on the overall temperature trend for October which was down. But, there were two charted temperature readings that caught the gaze and stirred vocal reactions from the students. On October 6th the temperature at 8:45am was 66 degrees and on October 28th it was only 24 degrees. "Wow, what a drop!" was a comment heard. Yes, the seasons are changing. "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22