
Missionary Work

Friday's countdown to Christmas surprise was our very own board member, Susan Buxcel. She along with Diane Diekmann came to MVCA to share their October missionary trip to the Dominican Republic. They gave each student a souvenir - a peso. They also brought a special, sweet treat for the kids. The same treat they enjoyed in the hot, humid Dominican Republic. Can you guess what it was? Ice cream. Thank you Susan and Diane for sharing your experiences with MVCA and the yummy ice cream!

Oh Tannenbaums!

On Wednesday the students' countdown to Christmas surprise was making these decorative Christmas trees for their homes. Mr. Russ Leonard, our administrator, was the organizer and leader for this project. He pre-cut the trees from wood and drilled holes to accomodate the colorful lights. Fingers were a bit sticky at the end from the glue, but the smiles of accomplishment shown reflect the fun had during this project.


A Special Treat

Today for our Countdown to Christmas we shared our Christmas program songs with the seniors of St. Johns Lutheran Church. We are thankful that we were able to perform in front of an audience and asked the students to sing loud because we wanted to be a special treat for them. It wasn’t long before I heard a young, kindergarten voice speak up from the back of the line…. “How can we be a treat? They can’t eat us!”

Well, a treat I hope we were and what a treat it will be if you can join us for our first Christmas program on Tuesday, December 16th at 7:00 PM! We hope to see you there!


Spearminty Snowmen

Today's countdown to Christmas activity had the students creating a snowman from a pack of gum. The third graders are showing off their "dudes" for the camera. Thank you Mrs. Frederick for helping us create such a simple, but yet darling Christmas ornaments!

Wonderful Wreaths

Terry and Jolynn Tennant came carrying wreaths, bows, lights, and metallic balls into MVCA yesterday. Their materials and instruction transformed our students into wreath designers. It is amazing how eight students can start with the same number and kinds of materials, yet each create their own unique wreath. Each one was definitely an original! THANK YOU Tennants for your time and talents!


Tis the Season to Sing!

Our countdown to Christmas on Friday found us at Majestic Bluffs sharing songs with the residents and handing out Christmas cookies. The students were able to perform the songs they will be singing for the Christmas program on Tuesday, December 16th. Thank you to Gene and Mary Whealy (Garrett and Olivia's Grandpa and Grandma) for arranging our performance and making the cookies.


Birds Welcome!

Emily, our surprise visitor today, taught the students how to assemble birdhouses. Each student made their own birdhouse and painted it with colors of their choice. One helper lightheartedly suggested that the students write “Lay Eggs Here” above the perch. No one ran with the idea, but the creations did vary greatly. Area birds will be welcomed with anything from rainbows to Packer fan signs.


Hebrew Anyone?

Our countdown to Christmas began today with Mr. Gary Idt from Kingsway Christian Church. He came in and taught Hebrew writing to the students. Students wrote with a wooden stylus on a clay tablet similar to what Jesus used when He was a student and learning to write. Students all agreed it was fun, but hard especially trying to remember to start on the right and go to the left.

Thank you Mr. Idt for sharing with the students and staff of MVCA...


Our Thanksgiving Meal

Before the students and staff headed "over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house" for Thanksgiving, we hosted 30+ family members and friends for a special meal. It was our way of saying "THANKS" to those who have given to our school and to each of us individually. The students planned and prepared half of the meal which included ham sandwiches, oreo salad, chocolate chip cookies, chicken noodle soup, and pumpkin dessert. Students set the tables and decorated them with homemade turkey favors filled with peanuts and candy. The school was definitely "cooking" with activity!!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24


Fun at the Pavilion

I just had to share this photo with everyone. The students are enjoying the wind tunnel at the Washington Pavilion located in Sioux Falls, SD. Lots of goofy faces, smiles, and laughter greeted us all day long!

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Cabin Building 101

The third graders have been studying the lives of early settlers to the United States. Of particular interest was the close look at the variety of log cabins built for shelter by these frontiersmen. To complete this unit the dads were invited into the classroom to help their child build a log cabin. Thank you Dads for all your help and expertise!


The Seasons Are Changing

Just like the rain gauge, every morning the 3rd graders check the thermometer to read the "official" 8:45am temperature for MVCA and record it on their calendars. This morning they charted October's recordings to get a sense of the overall temperature trend for the month and compare it to September's. The students noted a close resemblance with a couple of high peaks and deep valleys signifying the temperature struggle indicative of the autumn season. And, they picked up on the overall temperature trend for October which was down. But, there were two charted temperature readings that caught the gaze and stirred vocal reactions from the students. On October 6th the temperature at 8:45am was 66 degrees and on October 28th it was only 24 degrees. "Wow, what a drop!" was a comment heard. Yes, the seasons are changing. "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22


What Does the Rain Gauge Say?

3.25" to be exact! Missouri Valley Christian received this amount of precipitation during our wet, three day stretch this past week. Our third graders head out each morning (regardless of weather...as shown by the photo) to check the gauge and record the amount. By far this was the most received this school year which added a bit of excitement to our room. We also made our predictions as to when Yankton will receive its first, official 3" snowfall of the season. Here they are for the record...Mr. Leonard-November 28th; Mrs. Nelson-December 7; Mary-December 12; Leah-December 17; and Garrett-December 25. Judging by the twinkle in three sets of eyes when the four letter word S-N-O-W is said, I think we are ready and very eager to measure THAT precipitation, too!


A Nomadic Meal For Three

The third graders enjoyed a nomadic meal on Friday. The menu included figs, raisins, cheese, bread, honey, and curds (cottage cheese). Our study of God's call to Abraham prompted our sampling and discussion of possible food Abraham ate on his faith led journey. All agreed that Abraham could have left the figs behind!


"The Bee Man" Visits MVCA

All week the younger children have been asking, "When is the "bee man" coming?" Today he arrived to share his knowledge of bees with the students. Mr. Greg Van Holland is a beekeeper near Beresford, SD. He has several hives that are a hobby. The students enjoyed looking at the equipment he brought and learning about this insect. Our students asked some great questions. We look forward to enjoying some of Mr. Van Holland's honey later this year! Thank you Mr. Van Holland for visiting MVCA.


Four Orange Utility Flags

Four orange utility flags were on the materials needed list for 3rd grade Bible class today. We measured out the dimensions for Noah's ark and placed our flags on the four corners of this boat. The first words uttered by one student after we turned to view the previous flag approximately 450 feet away was, "Where is it?" Undoubtedly, the students received a hands-on glimpse of this enormous boat and the enormous task Noah completed. We continued our discussion as we trekked back to school talking about Noah's faith. We agreed that only a man who "walked with God" could complete such a monumental endeavor.


Today in 3rd grade we started reading a new story about a boy and his violin. One of our students entertained us with a few songs on her violin and answered many questions. We learned that the bow is made of horse tail hair and that it takes lots of practice to play a violin well.
Thank you for sharing with us. Keep practicing!!